Photographe freelance, autodidacte inspiré, Alex Mercadefe est né dans l’Inland Empire où il a grandi, à Riverside, en Californie. A 8 ans, il découvre la photographie avec le Kodak de sa mère. Il photographie alors toutes sortes d’objets au domicile familial. A l’âge de 14 ans, son père lui donne un appareil photo argentique et c’est là qu’il se prend véritablement de passion pour la photographie.
Alex was asked to document an aerial show, held in his hometown. He was able to capture the atmosphere, whith gaping at airplanes dancing in the sky, juicy hotdogs eaters and amazing outfits. With his photographs, he invites us on the tarmac, to see through people amazement and heighten our curiosity toward such event. Bathed in the warm Souther Californian light, Alex's images are giving us a glimpse of this unusual show and are reporting this particular mood, dear to the photographer.
Alex Mercadefe is a 25 year old self taught and inspired free lance photographer who was born and raised in the Inland Empire in the city of Riverside, California. His interest in photography started at the age of 8 when he would take photographs with his mothers Kodak disposable cameras and took pictures of random objects around the house. As time went on at the age of 14, his father gave him an silver film camera and that's when he really started loving photography.